Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Thanks for the prayers...it has been a horrible day. Yan is off the charts sensory wise and the Dr. had to get a look at her ears and throat today-which also involved cleaning out her ears and swabbing her throat for strep. It took three people to hold her down and she went crazy. She burst blood vessels all over her face (see picture).
Strep was negative, she has an ear infection and some other viral infection causing the rash. They also went ahead and did her shots. I usually am okay with doing what needs to be done, but I've just cried today because I feel horrible that she is so scared and so sensitive and I don't really know what to do. We've gone to see an OT for sensory issues, but she doesn't show these symptoms in a typical setting...pretty soon there will be a day that she can't be held down. I just wonder if some of the issues will ever clear up-I'm very scared and sad for her right now. Signing off for crying...thank you for the prayers...I know compared to so many things this is not big, but I'm really struggling with how to help her.


my life: said...

When it's YOUR baby....it's big! So sorry you/she have to go through this. :0( Glad you know what's going on and can treat it. Praying for your mommy heart....

stephanie h said...

Many prayers. I hope things get better soon.

Jill said...

So sorry for the rough day. It's never small when it's your little girl. We'll be praying.

Sarah said...

Big hugs and prayers for both Yan and momma.