Sunday, April 6, 2008

Catching up on Photos

Well, I thought I would catch up on some photos. Tonight Yan got out her big box of dress-up stuff and had a are a couple of those pics.

And, the infamous tongue injury. It was the first accident we had as a result of our swingset. The neighbor boy was swinging and she walked right in front of him-it knocked her over. She bit through her tongue all the way in two spots, then it went into her lip-OUCH!!! I felt so bad for her! But, no stiches were needed (Thank you Jesus!!) and it is all better now.

And, we have a beautiful tree in the front yard, that I took some pics of. Enjoy! Hugs to all!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer!! It is so good to catch up with you via your blog. I love the pics! Great to read that things are going so well.