Okay, I'm just venting...I have been a bit stressed out lately and just feel like I need a little time to myself right now. I love being with Yan, I love homeschooling, I would not want it any other way-but sometimes I need a break too.
So, I was really excited when I saw that a little church right down the street from us is scheduled to have Vacation Bible School next week. It is for ages 4 through 4th grade. Well, I called and asked about getting Yan in. They said, "Well, you would want to stay with her, right?" I said, no-she is fine going into the church nursery alone. But then they informed me, they are not "equipped" to deal with pull-ups. So, yep-since she is not all the way potty trained, she can't go. If our churches cannot change a pull-up the odds of us changing the world are very slim! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
Churches, take note!! Do you really want to change the world? Start by helping those in your own congregations and communities who have special needs! Do you know how many parents of kids with special needs don't attend because of the way they are treated and not supported? The numbers are staggering! These families need help! They need support! They need to see that Jesus does care about them...just because they can't be involved in every activity...just because they cannot serve on every committee or go on every retreat (because they can't leave their child with just anyone)...they still need to see Jesus!
This really angers me and breaks my heart-mainly because it is so far from the heart of Christ. Christ always reached out to those in need. He hugged the children, He healed the sick, He was "all about" the weak...and yet we shun them. We make them feel like they are outcasts.... Something is incredibly wrong with this picture!